Tuesday, August 14, 2007


i just finished the first part of my final exam in one of my statistics classes. my daughter was screaming upstairs and although the door was shut, she was still winning the battle in terms of noise. as a result, i scored a 63% on that part of the test. lucky, lucky me. part of me is surprised that i even did that well and part of me is furious because i know my stuff far better than that. that's single parenting at it's finest. trying to take online advanced statistics, pregnant, full time job and parenting a child who is afraid and/or resistant to sleep alone.
this is therapeutic. given that there is not another adult in the house, it's nice to vent. i rarely get to do that anymore and probably need it more than ever.
so much for the previous blog about avoiding work. apparently i should have been reviewing instead of writing.
could be worse...i could be in the state of my clients that i saw today. either one. i'll talk about that tomorrow.

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